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发布时间:2024-09-29 07:26:01  点击量:693

本文摘要:The drones are coming, according to the worlds largest unmanned systems industry organization. And they are likely to bring high-tech jobs, millions in tax revenues, and tens of billions in economic impact with them. A report released today by the Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International (AUVSI) forecasts that if the Federal Aviation Administration meets its 2015 deadline for integrating unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) into the national civilian airspace, the total domestic economic impact will reach more than $82.1 billion between 2015 and 2025 -- creating more than 100,000 high-paying jobs in the process.全球仅次于的无人操控系统行业的组织称之为,无人机的时代正在向我们走过。

The drones are coming, according to the worlds largest unmanned systems industry organization. And they are likely to bring high-tech jobs, millions in tax revenues, and tens of billions in economic impact with them. A report released today by the Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International (AUVSI) forecasts that if the Federal Aviation Administration meets its 2015 deadline for integrating unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) into the national civilian airspace, the total domestic economic impact will reach more than $82.1 billion between 2015 and 2025 -- creating more than 100,000 high-paying jobs in the process.全球仅次于的无人操控系统行业的组织称之为,无人机的时代正在向我们走过。无人机将不会建构许多高技术岗位,带给上千万美元税收,还将产生数十亿美元的经济效益。无人机国际联盟(AUVSI)今天公布的一份报告预测,如果联邦航空局(FAA)能构建2015年将无人驾驶机系统(UAS)统合到国家民航系统中的目标,则2015年到2025年间为美国国内带给的经济效益将多达821亿美元——在此过程中将建构多达10万个高薪岗位。In the near term, says AUVSI, the outlook appears even rosier. More than 70,000 of the total 103,776 new jobs forecast nationally by 2025 will be created in just the first three years after airspace integration is completed, along with $13.6 billion in overall economic impact in the same span. Meanwhile states where the UAS industry is strongest will begin collecting what will eventually amount to $482 million in tax revenue in the decade following full airspace integration.AUVSI称之为,从近期看,前景或许更加动人。


Thats assuming integration happens at all. Under the 2012 FAA Reauthorization Act, Congress ordered aviation authorities to develop a regulatory framework for the testing and licensing of commercial drones by 2015, a deadline that the FAA may not meet. The process of naming six federally approved UAS testing sites necessary for developing the kinds of technologies that will enable safe airspace integration was delayed indefinitely last year while the agency dealt with various public privacy concerns (the process resumed last month), and a variety of critical technical problems -- not least of which involve sense and avoid technologies, which allow unmanned systems to maintain safe distances between each other as well as manned aircraft -- have yet to be resolved.而这个前景的前提是航空统合必需确实构建。根据《2012年联邦航空局修改法案》,国会拒绝航空当局必需到2015年前为商用无人机的首飞和牌照派发研发一套监管框架。去年,国会曾多次拒绝登录6个联邦批准后成立的UAS测试点,但这项工作遭遇无限期不了了之。


而各种关键技术问题也亟待解决,特别是在是其中牵涉到到“感官、避免”的技术。这种技术能让无人机彼此之间、无人机与有人驾驶员的飞机之间维持安全性距离。For every year the FAA delays the integration of UAS into the national airspace, the economy loses $10 billion in potential economic gain, the report claims, a number thats not lost on states vying not only to play host to the FAAs UAS test sites but also to woo UAS-related companies. The drone economy wont be spread evenly; the AUVSI report names California, Washington, Texas, Florida, and Arizona as the states most likely to reap the economic rewards of a domestic drone boom. Other states are scrambling to capture a piece of the industry as well. Oklahoma has been noticeably visible at various industry trade shows of late, while Indiana and Ohio have partnered in an effort to make their shared economic region a more attractive place for the FAA to place a test site, which both states expect could generate thousands of jobs and billions in economic activity between them.这份报告还称之为,在UAS带入美国航空系统的进程上,联邦航空局每耽搁一年,美国经济的潜在损失就低约100亿美元,而对那些既积极争取联邦航空局UAS测试点落户、又主动招募UAS涉及公司入驻的州来说,就会经常出现这样的损失。


同时,印第安纳州和俄亥俄州也开始联手希望,让它们分享的经济区沦为对联邦航空局移往测试点更加有吸引力的区域。这两个州都期望由此可带给上万个工作机会,产生巨额的经济效益。Who exactly will be buying all these domestic drones? Its probably not who you think. While legitimate privacy concerns surround the proliferation of small UAS in the civilian airspace, sales of small surveillance drones to state and local authorities are only expected to make up a small portion of that spending. Agricultural applications dwarf all other categories, the AUVSI report claims, accounting for $75.6 billion of total national economic impacts by 2025, whereas government authorities like police, firefighters, and other first responders will generate just $3.2 billion. All other applications -- which range from weather and environmental monitoring, to oil and gas exploration, to aerial imaging and mapping -- will also result in a $3.2 billion impact over the same period.谁不会是这些国产无人机的买家呢?有可能并不是大家一般来说所指出的对象。由于公众担忧小型无人机普遍转入国内空域不会引起侵害隐私权问题,各州和当地政府出售的小型无人侦察机未来只不会沦为总销售中的一小部分。




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