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发布时间:2024-09-21 23:06:41  点击量:379

本文摘要:Fast food giant Dominos has developed a self-driving robot that can deliver hot food and cold drinks.快餐巨头约美乐公司研发出有了一款可以仓储热食和冷饮的自动驾驶机器人。

Fast food giant Dominos has developed a self-driving robot that can deliver hot food and cold drinks.快餐巨头约美乐公司研发出有了一款可以仓储热食和冷饮的自动驾驶机器人。The four-wheeled machine dubbed DRU - for Dominos Robotic Unit - completed its first trial delivery earlier this month.这款四轮机器人取名为约美乐机器人部队,全称DRU,在本月初已顺利已完成首度中举仓储。It looks like a gussied-up R2-D2 with a warming drawer. And its apparently the real deal: Dominos worked with a robotics company that usually develops equipment for the army.它看上去像一个自带保温抽屉、经过装饰的R2-D2。

而且显著是货真价实的:约美乐公司常常与机器人技术公司合作,为军队研发装备。The robot uses GPS for navigation and can sense and avoid obstacles as it travels. It is designed to travel on bike paths or footpaths and can reach speeds of 12 mph. The customer can get at the pizza by using a security code sent to the customers phone.DRU用于GPS导航系统,在仓储途中需要感应器和逃离障碍物。

DRU可以在自行车道或人行道上行经,时速平均12英里(大约19.3千米)。顾客输出下单后发送到手机上的安全性字节之后是非回头披萨。To mark this momentous occasion of human ingenuity, the company released a three-minute video that resembles a trailer for an action movie.为了纪念这一展现出人类聪明才智的根本性时刻,该公司公布了一个就像动作电影的预告片的3分钟视频。

Dominos is doing test runs over the next six months in Australia, but it will likely be a couple of years before we see DRU cruising the streets.约美乐公司将于接下来的半年内在澳大利亚试运营该机器人,但我们要看见DRU在街道上遨游有可能还必须几年的时间。



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