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发布时间:2024-09-21 22:54:16  点击量:919

本文摘要:Im Michael and like many of you a victim of bike crime. Coming out of a meetup with friends and seeing your bike has been stolen for the second time is never a nice feeling. Seeing that your bike lock didn’t hold up to being cut through is even worse. After that I was constantly worried about my bike getting stolen when it was chained up outside and speaking to my friends many of them felt the same way.我是麦克,和很多人一样,颇受自行车被盗的后遗症。

Im Michael and like many of you a victim of bike crime. Coming out of a meetup with friends and seeing your bike has been stolen for the second time is never a nice feeling. Seeing that your bike lock didn’t hold up to being cut through is even worse. After that I was constantly worried about my bike getting stolen when it was chained up outside and speaking to my friends many of them felt the same way.我是麦克,和很多人一样,颇受自行车被盗的后遗症。每次和朋友聚会后看见自行车又扔了总是让人很愤恨。自行车锁锁不了车实在太难受了。

自行车锁住被切下过一次之后,我就总是担忧停车在外面的自行车不会被偷走,我的朋友们大多也有完全相同的感觉。We decided that as a group with different skills: engineers, marketing professionals, designers, we thought we could do something about this, so we conceived a Smart Lock. We wanted to stop our bikes getting stolen and to also track them if they did.我和我的朋友都专门从事着有所不同的行业:有工程师、营销专家、设计师,我们实在可以做到点什么来改变现状,智能锁住(Smart Lock)应运而生,用来避免自行车被盗,也能在被盗后跟踪失物。

We obviously realized this was going to be a huge task, but committed two years of our lives, to prototyping, designing, testing, scrapping and trying again.毫无疑问,只是一项艰难的任务,我们用两年的时间制作样品、设计、测试、重头来过又大大尝试。The end result of the late nights, hard work and maybe a few tears, is a product we are very proud of, possibly the safest lock in the world.几经休息时间、努力奋斗和泪水,我们再一发明者了这款带入着自豪感、世界上最安全性的车锁。Our lock is made with a hardened stainless steel casing to be tough, GPS tracking so you can track your bike worldwide, motion sensors to alert you of suspicious activity and a 110db alarm to alert those nearby.智能锁住外壳由柔软的不锈钢制作而出,内置全球定位跟踪系统,车主可在全球范围内跟踪自行车,以及运动传感器,再次发生怀疑不道德时可警觉车主,并且以100分贝的音量警告周围人群。



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